- field notes double reed hollow log
- breaking hard ground
- thatch root millennia ruptured disrupted
- buffalo fire & the fire tenders
- lace boots & => functions of lists reduce / fold filter map
- irretrievable calculation distillation contours
- physics of oars physics of rope & gears
- physics of taut independence bound inter dependence
- cycling time flow graph calculus of change & motion
- tangents & intersections flux weather elements wind
- there exists an x a y a maybe just nothing
- suppose this
- not silence exactly
- particles of speech particles of sound particles of exchange
- molecular transfer diagrams schema ontologies syntax relations
- punctuations blank space lines unfolding hollow tunnel echo static dial
- encode translate transform (re)cover uncover reverse
- verb => noun => past tense
- neural net language drip radio wave resilience
- co2 => biomass => soil
- the deep & tangled dark sea horizon wind sail blades of grass
- sky to earth to text texture textile